Hello! I am thrilled that you are here! This is my first and latest blog where I will share my thoughts on financial market and financial fundamental knowledge and occassionally practical example files (models and slides). You can find more about me in the ABOUT page.
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Topic Schedule
There is a list of topics that I already have in mind that I would lilke to share and hopefully gather your thoughts.
Topic | Descriptions |
Corporate Finance 101 | Fundamental framework of classic topics in Corporate Finance. |
Business Model 101 | A easy to apply framework for any types of business |
Often Mistakes in Valuation | Maybe opinionated |
Automate model updates with Power Query | One click updates all |
Sales Dashboard End to End showcase | Power BI and standard dataset |
Book recommendation | Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller |
Book recommendation | The Synergy Solution by Mark Sirower, Jeff Weirens |
What you’d be interested in
Please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn to let me know your thoughts and make any recommendations if you have.